Community resources
(800) 273-6222 or Dial 2-1-1
2-1-1 Bay area is a comprehensive information and referral service for Bay Area counties. Their mission is to connect residents with information about health and human services. This service is available both via their website or through dialing 2-1-1, where residents can be connected with a specialist for free, personalized, and confidential assistance.
991 W. Hedding Street, Suite 202, San Jose, CA 95126 | (408) 287-9710
Asian Law Alliance (ALA) is a non-profit organization providing equal access to the justice system for Asian Pacific Islander and low-income populations in Silicon Valley. At VASC, ALA offers free legal consultation every Wednesday with pre-registration required.
2505 Samaritan Drive, Building 400, Suite 402, San Jose, CA 95124 | (408) 402-6611
Cancer CAREpoint provides personalized counseling, assistance, resources and education to all Silicon Valley cancer patients, survivors, families, and caregivers at no cost. At VASC, Cancer CAREpoint facilitates:
- Support and resources for cancer patients every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month
- Zumba classes every Saturday.
1550 The Alameda, Suite 305, San Jose, CA 95126| (408) 663-6882
Community Health Initiative (CHI) is a non-profit focused on providing access to care through health insurance enrollment, patient education, and advocacy. At VASC, CHI provides health coverage enrollment assistance every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
532 Valley Way, Milpitas, CA 95035 | (408) 509-8788 / (408) 509-1958
International Children Assistance Network (ICAN) is a non-profit organization focused on engaging families to help become successful and caring leaders in society to build a Vietnamese American community where everyone is engaged, informed, and inspired to make a difference. At VASC, ICAN facilitates:
- Morning exercise every Wednesday
- Information Service Desk every Wednesday and Friday
- English Conversation workshop every Wednesday.
- Community Sharing support group every Friday.
- Computer Literacy Class every Friday.
25 N 14th St, Suite 670, San Jose, CA 95112 | (408) 280-0811
Latinas Contra Cancer (LCC) is a leading service and advocacy organization for Latinés around issues of cancer. At VASC, LCC facilitates:
- Cancer support groups for women on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month
- Cancer support groups for families of children with cancer on the 4th Monday of every month.
1400 Parkmoor Ave Suite 100, San Jose 95126 | (408) 727-5775
Parents Helping Parents (PHP) is a non-profit focused on providing support, resources, and information about raising children of any age with any disability or special needs diagnosis. At VASC, PHP provides an information and resource table that is available every Tuesday and Friday.
The Vietnamese American Roundtable (VAR) is focused on organizing, advocating, and educating the Vietnamese American community to have a strong and unified community that works towards improving our quality of life. At VASC, VAR facilitates worker's rights consultation every Tuesday.
The In Home Support Services (IHSS) Public Authority Services was established in Santa Clara County to utilize technology and experience to support seniors and persons with disabilities by providing access to pre-screened In-Home Supportive Services workers. At VASC, IHSS Public Authority Services provides a resource table every other Friday from 10 AM to 12 PM.